1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2002, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package sun.awt.X11;
  27 import java.awt.*;
  29 import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
  30 import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
  31 import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
  33 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
  35 import java.awt.peer.ComponentPeer;
  36 import java.awt.peer.WindowPeer;
  38 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
  40 import java.security.AccessController;
  41 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  43 import java.util.ArrayList;
  44 import java.util.HashSet;
  45 import java.util.Iterator;
  46 import java.util.Set;
  47 import java.util.Vector;
  49 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
  51 import sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger;
  53 import sun.awt.AWTAccessor;
  54 import sun.awt.DisplayChangedListener;
  55 import sun.awt.SunToolkit;
  56 import sun.awt.X11GraphicsDevice;
  57 import sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment;
  59 import sun.java2d.pipe.Region;
  61 class XWindowPeer extends XPanelPeer implements WindowPeer,
  62                                                 DisplayChangedListener {
  64     private static final PlatformLogger log = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.XWindowPeer");
  65     private static final PlatformLogger focusLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.focus.XWindowPeer");
  66     private static final PlatformLogger insLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.insets.XWindowPeer");
  67     private static final PlatformLogger grabLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.grab.XWindowPeer");
  68     private static final PlatformLogger iconLog = PlatformLogger.getLogger("sun.awt.X11.icon.XWindowPeer");
  70     // should be synchronized on awtLock
  71     private static Set<XWindowPeer> windows = new HashSet<XWindowPeer>();
  74     private boolean cachedFocusableWindow;
  75     XWarningWindow warningWindow;
  77     private boolean alwaysOnTop;
  78     private boolean locationByPlatform;
  80     Dialog modalBlocker;
  81     boolean delayedModalBlocking = false;
  82     Dimension targetMinimumSize = null;
  84     private XWindowPeer ownerPeer;
  86     // used for modal blocking to keep existing z-order
  87     protected XWindowPeer prevTransientFor, nextTransientFor;
  88     // value of WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint set on this window
  89     private XWindowPeer curRealTransientFor;
  91     private boolean grab = false; // Whether to do a grab during showing
  93     private boolean isMapped = false; // Is this window mapped or not
  94     private boolean mustControlStackPosition = false; // Am override-redirect not on top
  95     private XEventDispatcher rootPropertyEventDispatcher = null;
  97     private static final AtomicBoolean isStartupNotificationRemoved = new AtomicBoolean();
  99     /*
 100      * Focus related flags
 101      */
 102     private boolean isUnhiding = false;             // Is the window unhiding.
 103     private boolean isBeforeFirstMapNotify = false; // Is the window (being shown) between
 104                                                     //    setVisible(true) & handleMapNotify().
 106     /**
 107      * The type of the window.
 108      *
 109      * The type is supposed to be immutable while the peer object exists.
 110      * The value gets initialized in the preInit() method.
 111      */
 112     private Window.Type windowType = Window.Type.NORMAL;
 114     public final Window.Type getWindowType() {
 115         return windowType;
 116     }
 118     // It need to be accessed from XFramePeer.
 119     protected Vector <ToplevelStateListener> toplevelStateListeners = new Vector<ToplevelStateListener>();
 120     XWindowPeer(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 121         super(params.putIfNull(PARENT_WINDOW, Long.valueOf(0)));
 122     }
 124     XWindowPeer(Window target) {
 125         super(new XCreateWindowParams(new Object[] {
 126             TARGET, target,
 127             PARENT_WINDOW, Long.valueOf(0)}));
 128     }
 130     /*
 131      * This constant defines icon size recommended for using.
 132      * Apparently, we should use XGetIconSizes which should
 133      * return icon sizes would be most appreciated by the WM.
 134      * However, XGetIconSizes always returns 0 for some reason.
 135      * So the constant has been introduced.
 136      */
 137     private static final int PREFERRED_SIZE_FOR_ICON = 128;
 139     /*
 140      * Sometimes XChangeProperty(_NET_WM_ICON) doesn't work if
 141      * image buffer is too large. This constant holds maximum
 142      * length of buffer which can be used with _NET_WM_ICON hint.
 143      * It holds int's value.
 144      */
 145     private static final int MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH_NET_WM_ICON = (2<<15) - 1;
 147     void preInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 148         target = (Component)params.get(TARGET);
 149         windowType = ((Window)target).getType();
 150         params.put(REPARENTED,
 151                    Boolean.valueOf(isOverrideRedirect() || isSimpleWindow()));
 152         super.preInit(params);
 153         params.putIfNull(BIT_GRAVITY, Integer.valueOf(XConstants.NorthWestGravity));
 155         long eventMask = 0;
 156         if (params.containsKey(EVENT_MASK)) {
 157             eventMask = ((Long)params.get(EVENT_MASK));
 158         }
 159         eventMask |= XConstants.VisibilityChangeMask;
 160         params.put(EVENT_MASK, eventMask);
 162         XA_NET_WM_STATE = XAtom.get("_NET_WM_STATE");
 165         params.put(OVERRIDE_REDIRECT, Boolean.valueOf(isOverrideRedirect()));
 167         SunToolkit.awtLock();
 168         try {
 169             windows.add(this);
 170         } finally {
 171             SunToolkit.awtUnlock();
 172         }
 174         cachedFocusableWindow = isFocusableWindow();
 176         Font f = target.getFont();
 177         if (f == null) {
 178             f = XWindow.getDefaultFont();
 179             target.setFont(f);
 180             // we should not call setFont because it will call a repaint
 181             // which the peer may not be ready to do yet.
 182         }
 183         Color c = target.getBackground();
 184         if (c == null) {
 185             Color background = SystemColor.window;
 186             target.setBackground(background);
 187             // we should not call setBackGround because it will call a repaint
 188             // which the peer may not be ready to do yet.
 189         }
 190         c = target.getForeground();
 191         if (c == null) {
 192             target.setForeground(SystemColor.windowText);
 193             // we should not call setForeGround because it will call a repaint
 194             // which the peer may not be ready to do yet.
 195         }
 197         alwaysOnTop = ((Window)target).isAlwaysOnTop() && ((Window)target).isAlwaysOnTopSupported();
 199         GraphicsConfiguration gc = getGraphicsConfiguration();
 200         ((X11GraphicsDevice)gc.getDevice()).addDisplayChangedListener(this);
 201     }
 203     protected String getWMName() {
 204         String name = target.getName();
 205         if (name == null || name.trim().equals("")) {
 206             name = " ";
 207         }
 208         return name;
 209     }
 211     private static native String getLocalHostname();
 212     private static native int getJvmPID();
 214     void postInit(XCreateWindowParams params) {
 215         super.postInit(params);
 217         // Init WM_PROTOCOLS atom
 218         initWMProtocols();
 220         // Set _NET_WM_PID and WM_CLIENT_MACHINE using this JVM
 221         XAtom.get("WM_CLIENT_MACHINE").setProperty(getWindow(), getLocalHostname());
 222         XAtom.get("_NET_WM_PID").setCard32Property(getWindow(), getJvmPID());
 224         // Set WM_TRANSIENT_FOR and group_leader
 225         Window t_window = (Window)target;
 226         Window owner = t_window.getOwner();
 227         if (owner != null) {
 228             ownerPeer = (XWindowPeer)owner.getPeer();
 229             if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
 230                 focusLog.finer("Owner is " + owner);
 231                 focusLog.finer("Owner peer is " + ownerPeer);
 232                 focusLog.finer("Owner X window " + Long.toHexString(ownerPeer.getWindow()));
 233                 focusLog.finer("Owner content X window " + Long.toHexString(ownerPeer.getContentWindow()));
 234             }
 235             // as owner window may be an embedded window, we must get a toplevel window
 236             // to set as TRANSIENT_FOR hint
 237             long ownerWindow = ownerPeer.getWindow();
 238             if (ownerWindow != 0) {
 239                 XToolkit.awtLock();
 240                 try {
 241                     // Set WM_TRANSIENT_FOR
 242                     if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 243                         focusLog.fine("Setting transient on " + Long.toHexString(getWindow())
 244                                       + " for " + Long.toHexString(ownerWindow));
 245                     }
 246                     setToplevelTransientFor(this, ownerPeer, false, true);
 248                     // Set group leader
 249                     XWMHints hints = getWMHints();
 250                     hints.set_flags(hints.get_flags() | (int)XUtilConstants.WindowGroupHint);
 251                     hints.set_window_group(ownerWindow);
 252                     XlibWrapper.XSetWMHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), hints.pData);
 253                 }
 254                 finally {
 255                     XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 256                 }
 257             }
 258         }
 260         if (owner != null || isSimpleWindow()) {
 261             XNETProtocol protocol = XWM.getWM().getNETProtocol();
 262             if (protocol != null && protocol.active()) {
 263                 XToolkit.awtLock();
 264                 try {
 265                     XAtomList net_wm_state = getNETWMState();
 266                     net_wm_state.add(protocol.XA_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR);
 267                     setNETWMState(net_wm_state);
 268                 } finally {
 269                     XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 270                 }
 272             }
 273         }
 275          // Init warning window(for applets)
 276         if (((Window)target).getWarningString() != null) {
 277             // accessSystemTray permission allows to display TrayIcon, TrayIcon tooltip
 278             // and TrayIcon balloon windows without a warning window.
 279             if (!AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor().isTrayIconWindow((Window)target)) {
 280                 warningWindow = new XWarningWindow((Window)target, getWindow(), this);
 281             }
 282         }
 284         setSaveUnder(true);
 286         updateIconImages();
 288         updateShape();
 289         updateOpacity();
 290         // no need in updateOpaque() as it is no-op
 291     }
 293     public void updateIconImages() {
 294         Window target = (Window)this.target;
 295         java.util.List<Image> iconImages = ((Window)target).getIconImages();
 296         XWindowPeer ownerPeer = getOwnerPeer();
 297         winAttr.icons = new ArrayList<XIconInfo>();
 298         if (iconImages.size() != 0) {
 299             //read icon images from target
 300             winAttr.iconsInherited = false;
 301             for (Iterator<Image> i = iconImages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
 302                 Image image = i.next();
 303                 if (image == null) {
 304                     if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
 305                         log.finest("XWindowPeer.updateIconImages: Skipping the image passed into Java because it's null.");
 306                     }
 307                     continue;
 308                 }
 309                 XIconInfo iconInfo;
 310                 try {
 311                     iconInfo = new XIconInfo(image);
 312                 } catch (Exception e){
 313                     if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
 314                         log.finest("XWindowPeer.updateIconImages: Perhaps the image passed into Java is broken. Skipping this icon.");
 315                     }
 316                     continue;
 317                 }
 318                 if (iconInfo.isValid()) {
 319                     winAttr.icons.add(iconInfo);
 320                 }
 321             }
 322         }
 324         // Fix for CR#6425089
 325         winAttr.icons = normalizeIconImages(winAttr.icons);
 327         if (winAttr.icons.size() == 0) {
 328             //target.icons is empty or all icon images are broken
 329             if (ownerPeer != null) {
 330                 //icon is inherited from parent
 331                 winAttr.iconsInherited = true;
 332                 winAttr.icons = ownerPeer.getIconInfo();
 333             } else {
 334                 //default icon is used
 335                 winAttr.iconsInherited = false;
 336                 winAttr.icons = getDefaultIconInfo();
 337             }
 338         }
 339         recursivelySetIcon(winAttr.icons);
 340     }
 342     /*
 343      * Sometimes XChangeProperty(_NET_WM_ICON) doesn't work if
 344      * image buffer is too large. This function help us accommodate
 345      * initial list of the icon images to certainly-acceptable.
 346      * It does scale some of these icons to appropriate size
 347      * if it's necessary.
 348      */
 349     static java.util.List<XIconInfo> normalizeIconImages(java.util.List<XIconInfo> icons) {
 350         java.util.List<XIconInfo> result = new ArrayList<XIconInfo>();
 351         int totalLength = 0;
 352         boolean haveLargeIcon = false;
 354         for (XIconInfo icon : icons) {
 355             int width = icon.getWidth();
 356             int height = icon.getHeight();
 357             int length = icon.getRawLength();
 359             if (width > PREFERRED_SIZE_FOR_ICON || height > PREFERRED_SIZE_FOR_ICON) {
 360                 if (haveLargeIcon) {
 361                     continue;
 362                 }
 363                 int scaledWidth = width;
 364                 int scaledHeight = height;
 365                 while (scaledWidth > PREFERRED_SIZE_FOR_ICON ||
 366                        scaledHeight > PREFERRED_SIZE_FOR_ICON) {
 367                     scaledWidth = scaledWidth / 2;
 368                     scaledHeight = scaledHeight / 2;
 369                 }
 371                 icon.setScaledSize(scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
 372                 length = icon.getRawLength();
 373             }
 375             if (totalLength + length <= MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH_NET_WM_ICON) {
 376                 totalLength += length;
 377                 result.add(icon);
 378                 if (width > PREFERRED_SIZE_FOR_ICON || height > PREFERRED_SIZE_FOR_ICON) {
 379                     haveLargeIcon = true;
 380                 }
 381             }
 382         }
 384         if (iconLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
 385             iconLog.finest(">>> Length_ of buffer of icons data: " + totalLength +
 386                            ", maximum length: " + MAXIMUM_BUFFER_LENGTH_NET_WM_ICON);
 387         }
 389         return result;
 390     }
 392     /*
 393      * Dumps each icon from the list
 394      */
 395     static void dumpIcons(java.util.List<XIconInfo> icons) {
 396         if (iconLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
 397             iconLog.finest(">>> Sizes of icon images:");
 398             for (Iterator<XIconInfo> i = icons.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
 399                 iconLog.finest("    {0}", i.next());
 400             }
 401         }
 402     }
 404     public void recursivelySetIcon(java.util.List<XIconInfo> icons) {
 405         dumpIcons(winAttr.icons);
 406         setIconHints(icons);
 407         Window target = (Window)this.target;
 408         Window[] children = target.getOwnedWindows();
 409         int cnt = children.length;
 410         for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
 411             ComponentPeer childPeer = children[i].getPeer();
 412             if (childPeer != null && childPeer instanceof XWindowPeer) {
 413                 if (((XWindowPeer)childPeer).winAttr.iconsInherited) {
 414                     ((XWindowPeer)childPeer).winAttr.icons = icons;
 415                     ((XWindowPeer)childPeer).recursivelySetIcon(icons);
 416                 }
 417             }
 418         }
 419     }
 421     java.util.List<XIconInfo> getIconInfo() {
 422         return winAttr.icons;
 423     }
 424     void setIconHints(java.util.List<XIconInfo> icons) {
 425         //This does nothing for XWindowPeer,
 426         //It's overriden in XDecoratedPeer
 427     }
 429     private static ArrayList<XIconInfo> defaultIconInfo;
 430     protected synchronized static java.util.List<XIconInfo> getDefaultIconInfo() {
 431         if (defaultIconInfo == null) {
 432             defaultIconInfo = new ArrayList<XIconInfo>();
 433             if (XlibWrapper.dataModel == 32) {
 434                 defaultIconInfo.add(new XIconInfo(XAWTIcon32_java_icon16_png.java_icon16_png));
 435                 defaultIconInfo.add(new XIconInfo(XAWTIcon32_java_icon24_png.java_icon24_png));
 436                 defaultIconInfo.add(new XIconInfo(XAWTIcon32_java_icon32_png.java_icon32_png));
 437                 defaultIconInfo.add(new XIconInfo(XAWTIcon32_java_icon48_png.java_icon48_png));
 438             } else {
 439                 defaultIconInfo.add(new XIconInfo(XAWTIcon64_java_icon16_png.java_icon16_png));
 440                 defaultIconInfo.add(new XIconInfo(XAWTIcon64_java_icon24_png.java_icon24_png));
 441                 defaultIconInfo.add(new XIconInfo(XAWTIcon64_java_icon32_png.java_icon32_png));
 442                 defaultIconInfo.add(new XIconInfo(XAWTIcon64_java_icon48_png.java_icon48_png));
 443             }
 444         }
 445         return defaultIconInfo;
 446     }
 448     private void updateShape() {
 449         // Shape shape = ((Window)target).getShape();
 450         Shape shape = AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor().getShape((Window)target);
 451         if (shape != null) {
 452             applyShape(Region.getInstance(shape, null));
 453         }
 454     }
 456     private void updateOpacity() {
 457         // float opacity = ((Window)target).getOpacity();
 458         float opacity = AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor().getOpacity((Window)target);
 459         if (opacity < 1.0f) {
 460             setOpacity(opacity);
 461         }
 462     }
 464     public void updateMinimumSize() {
 465         //This function only saves minimumSize value in XWindowPeer
 466         //Setting WMSizeHints is implemented in XDecoratedPeer
 467         targetMinimumSize = (((Component)target).isMinimumSizeSet()) ?
 468             ((Component)target).getMinimumSize() : null;
 469     }
 471     public Dimension getTargetMinimumSize() {
 472         return (targetMinimumSize == null) ? null : new Dimension(targetMinimumSize);
 473     }
 475     public XWindowPeer getOwnerPeer() {
 476         return ownerPeer;
 477     }
 479     //Fix for 6318144: PIT:Setting Min Size bigger than current size enlarges
 480     //the window but fails to revalidate, Sol-CDE
 481     //This bug is regression for
 482     //5025858: Resizing a decorated frame triggers componentResized event twice.
 483     //Since events are not posted from Component.setBounds we need to send them here.
 484     //Note that this function is overriden in XDecoratedPeer so event
 485     //posting is not changing for decorated peers
 486     public void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height, int op) {
 487         XToolkit.awtLock();
 488         try {
 489             Rectangle oldBounds = getBounds();
 491             super.setBounds(x, y, width, height, op);
 493             Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
 495             XSizeHints hints = getHints();
 496             setSizeHints(hints.get_flags() | XUtilConstants.PPosition | XUtilConstants.PSize,
 497                              bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
 498             XWM.setMotifDecor(this, false, 0, 0);
 500             boolean isResized = !bounds.getSize().equals(oldBounds.getSize());
 501             boolean isMoved = !bounds.getLocation().equals(oldBounds.getLocation());
 502             if (isMoved || isResized) {
 503                 repositionSecurityWarning();
 504             }
 505             if (isResized) {
 506                 postEventToEventQueue(new ComponentEvent(getEventSource(), ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED));
 507             }
 508             if (isMoved) {
 509                 postEventToEventQueue(new ComponentEvent(getEventSource(), ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_MOVED));
 510             }
 511         } finally {
 512             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 513         }
 514     }
 516     void updateFocusability() {
 517         updateFocusableWindowState();
 518         XToolkit.awtLock();
 519         try {
 520             XWMHints hints = getWMHints();
 521             hints.set_flags(hints.get_flags() | (int)XUtilConstants.InputHint);
 522             hints.set_input(false/*isNativelyNonFocusableWindow() ? (0):(1)*/);
 523             XlibWrapper.XSetWMHints(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow(), hints.pData);
 524         }
 525         finally {
 526             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 527         }
 528     }
 530     public Insets getInsets() {
 531         return new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
 532     }
 534     // NOTE: This method may be called by privileged threads.
 536     public void handleIconify() {
 537         postEvent(new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED));
 538     }
 540     // NOTE: This method may be called by privileged threads.
 542     public void handleDeiconify() {
 543         postEvent(new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEICONIFIED));
 544     }
 546     // NOTE: This method may be called by privileged threads.
 548     public void handleStateChange(int oldState, int newState) {
 549         postEvent(new WindowEvent((Window)target,
 550                                   WindowEvent.WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED,
 551                                   oldState, newState));
 552     }
 554     /**
 555      * DEPRECATED:  Replaced by getInsets().
 556      */
 557     public Insets insets() {
 558         return getInsets();
 559     }
 561     boolean isAutoRequestFocus() {
 562         if (XToolkit.isToolkitThread()) {
 563             return AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor().isAutoRequestFocus((Window)target);
 564         } else {
 565             return ((Window)target).isAutoRequestFocus();
 566         }
 567     }
 569     /*
 570      * Retrives real native focused window and converts it into Java peer.
 571      */
 572     static XWindowPeer getNativeFocusedWindowPeer() {
 573         XBaseWindow baseWindow = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(xGetInputFocus());
 574         return (baseWindow instanceof XWindowPeer) ? (XWindowPeer)baseWindow :
 575                (baseWindow instanceof XFocusProxyWindow) ?
 576                ((XFocusProxyWindow)baseWindow).getOwner() : null;
 577     }
 579     /*
 580      * Retrives real native focused window and converts it into Java window.
 581      */
 582     static Window getNativeFocusedWindow() {
 583         XWindowPeer peer = getNativeFocusedWindowPeer();
 584         return peer != null ? (Window)peer.target : null;
 585     }
 587     boolean isFocusableWindow() {
 588         if (XToolkit.isToolkitThread() || SunToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread())
 589         {
 590             return cachedFocusableWindow;
 591         } else {
 592             return ((Window)target).isFocusableWindow();
 593         }
 594     }
 596     /* WARNING: don't call client code in this method! */
 597     boolean isFocusedWindowModalBlocker() {
 598         return false;
 599     }
 601     long getFocusTargetWindow() {
 602         return getContentWindow();
 603     }
 605     /**
 606      * Returns whether or not this window peer has native X window
 607      * configured as non-focusable window. It might happen if:
 608      * - Java window is non-focusable
 609      * - Java window is simple Window(not Frame or Dialog)
 610      */
 611     boolean isNativelyNonFocusableWindow() {
 612         if (XToolkit.isToolkitThread() || SunToolkit.isAWTLockHeldByCurrentThread())
 613         {
 614             return isSimpleWindow() || !cachedFocusableWindow;
 615         } else {
 616             return isSimpleWindow() || !(((Window)target).isFocusableWindow());
 617         }
 618     }
 620     public void handleWindowFocusIn_Dispatch() {
 621         if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
 622             XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().setCurrentFocusedWindow((Window) target);
 623             WindowEvent we = new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS);
 624             SunToolkit.setSystemGenerated(we);
 625             target.dispatchEvent(we);
 626         }
 627     }
 629     public void handleWindowFocusInSync(long serial) {
 630         WindowEvent we = new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS);
 631         XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().setCurrentFocusedWindow((Window) target);
 632         sendEvent(we);
 633     }
 634     // NOTE: This method may be called by privileged threads.
 636     public void handleWindowFocusIn(long serial) {
 637         WindowEvent we = new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS);
 638         /* wrap in Sequenced, then post*/
 639         XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().setCurrentFocusedWindow((Window) target);
 640         postEvent(wrapInSequenced((AWTEvent) we));
 641     }
 643     // NOTE: This method may be called by privileged threads.
 645     public void handleWindowFocusOut(Window oppositeWindow, long serial) {
 646         WindowEvent we = new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS, oppositeWindow);
 647         XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().setCurrentFocusedWindow(null);
 648         XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().setCurrentFocusOwner(null);
 649         /* wrap in Sequenced, then post*/
 650         postEvent(wrapInSequenced((AWTEvent) we));
 651     }
 652     public void handleWindowFocusOutSync(Window oppositeWindow, long serial) {
 653         WindowEvent we = new WindowEvent((Window)target, WindowEvent.WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS, oppositeWindow);
 654         XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().setCurrentFocusedWindow(null);
 655         XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().setCurrentFocusOwner(null);
 656         sendEvent(we);
 657     }
 659 /* --- DisplayChangedListener Stuff --- */
 661     /* Xinerama
 662      * called to check if we've been moved onto a different screen
 663      * Based on checkNewXineramaScreen() in awt_GraphicsEnv.c
 664      */
 665     public void checkIfOnNewScreen(Rectangle newBounds) {
 666         if (!XToolkit.localEnv.runningXinerama()) {
 667             return;
 668         }
 670         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
 671             log.finest("XWindowPeer: Check if we've been moved to a new screen since we're running in Xinerama mode");
 672         }
 674         int area = newBounds.width * newBounds.height;
 675         int intAmt, vertAmt, horizAmt;
 676         int largestAmt = 0;
 677         int curScreenNum = ((X11GraphicsDevice)getGraphicsConfiguration().getDevice()).getScreen();
 678         int newScreenNum = 0;
 679         GraphicsDevice gds[] = XToolkit.localEnv.getScreenDevices();
 680         GraphicsConfiguration newGC = null;
 681         Rectangle screenBounds;
 683         for (int i = 0; i < gds.length; i++) {
 684             screenBounds = gds[i].getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds();
 685             if (newBounds.intersects(screenBounds)) {
 686                 horizAmt = Math.min(newBounds.x + newBounds.width,
 687                                     screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width) -
 688                            Math.max(newBounds.x, screenBounds.x);
 689                 vertAmt = Math.min(newBounds.y + newBounds.height,
 690                                    screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height)-
 691                           Math.max(newBounds.y, screenBounds.y);
 692                 intAmt = horizAmt * vertAmt;
 693                 if (intAmt == area) {
 694                     // Completely on this screen - done!
 695                     newScreenNum = i;
 696                     newGC = gds[i].getDefaultConfiguration();
 697                     break;
 698                 }
 699                 if (intAmt > largestAmt) {
 700                     largestAmt = intAmt;
 701                     newScreenNum = i;
 702                     newGC = gds[i].getDefaultConfiguration();
 703                 }
 704             }
 705         }
 706         if (newScreenNum != curScreenNum) {
 707             if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINEST)) {
 708                 log.finest("XWindowPeer: Moved to a new screen");
 709             }
 710             executeDisplayChangedOnEDT(newGC);
 711         }
 712     }
 714     /**
 715      * Helper method that executes the displayChanged(screen) method on
 716      * the event dispatch thread.  This method is used in the Xinerama case
 717      * and after display mode change events.
 718      */
 719     private void executeDisplayChangedOnEDT(final GraphicsConfiguration gc) {
 720         Runnable dc = new Runnable() {
 721             public void run() {
 722                 AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().
 723                     setGraphicsConfiguration((Component)target, gc);
 724             }
 725         };
 726         SunToolkit.executeOnEventHandlerThread((Component)target, dc);
 727     }
 729     /**
 730      * From the DisplayChangedListener interface; called from
 731      * X11GraphicsDevice when the display mode has been changed.
 732      */
 733     public void displayChanged() {
 734         executeDisplayChangedOnEDT(getGraphicsConfiguration());
 735     }
 737     /**
 738      * From the DisplayChangedListener interface; top-levels do not need
 739      * to react to this event.
 740      */
 741     public void paletteChanged() {
 742     }
 744     /*
 745      * Overridden to check if we need to update our GraphicsDevice/Config
 746      * Added for 4934052.
 747      */
 748     @Override
 749     public void handleConfigureNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) {
 750         // TODO: We create an XConfigureEvent every time we override
 751         // handleConfigureNotify() - too many!
 752         XConfigureEvent xe = xev.get_xconfigure();
 753         checkIfOnNewScreen(new Rectangle(xe.get_x(),
 754                                          xe.get_y(),
 755                                          xe.get_width(),
 756                                          xe.get_height()));
 758         // Don't call super until we've handled a screen change.  Otherwise
 759         // there could be a race condition in which a ComponentListener could
 760         // see the old screen.
 761         super.handleConfigureNotifyEvent(xev);
 762         repositionSecurityWarning();
 763     }
 765     final void requestXFocus(long time) {
 766         requestXFocus(time, true);
 767     }
 769     final void requestXFocus() {
 770         requestXFocus(0, false);
 771     }
 773     /**
 774      * Requests focus to this top-level. Descendants should override to provide
 775      * implementations based on a class of top-level.
 776      */
 777     protected void requestXFocus(long time, boolean timeProvided) {
 778         // Since in XAWT focus is synthetic and all basic Windows are
 779         // override_redirect all we can do is check whether our parent
 780         // is active. If it is - we can freely synthesize focus transfer.
 781         // Luckily, this logic is already implemented in requestWindowFocus.
 782         if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 783             focusLog.fine("Requesting window focus");
 784         }
 785         requestWindowFocus(time, timeProvided);
 786     }
 788     public final boolean focusAllowedFor() {
 789         if (isNativelyNonFocusableWindow()) {
 790             return false;
 791         }
 792 /*
 793         Window target = (Window)this.target;
 794         if (!target.isVisible() ||
 795             !target.isEnabled() ||
 796             !target.isFocusable())
 797         {
 798             return false;
 799         }
 800 */
 801         if (isModalBlocked()) {
 802             return false;
 803         }
 804         return true;
 805     }
 807     public void handleFocusEvent(XEvent xev) {
 808         XFocusChangeEvent xfe = xev.get_xfocus();
 809         FocusEvent fe;
 810         if (focusLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 811             focusLog.fine("{0}", xfe);
 812         }
 813         if (isEventDisabled(xev)) {
 814             return;
 815         }
 816         if (xev.get_type() == XConstants.FocusIn)
 817         {
 818             // If this window is non-focusable don't post any java focus event
 819             if (focusAllowedFor()) {
 820                 if (xfe.get_mode() == XConstants.NotifyNormal // Normal notify
 821                     || xfe.get_mode() == XConstants.NotifyWhileGrabbed) // Alt-Tab notify
 822                 {
 823                     handleWindowFocusIn(xfe.get_serial());
 824                 }
 825             }
 826         }
 827         else
 828         {
 829             if (xfe.get_mode() == XConstants.NotifyNormal // Normal notify
 830                 || xfe.get_mode() == XConstants.NotifyWhileGrabbed) // Alt-Tab notify
 831             {
 832                 // If this window is non-focusable don't post any java focus event
 833                 if (!isNativelyNonFocusableWindow()) {
 834                     XWindowPeer oppositeXWindow = getNativeFocusedWindowPeer();
 835                     Object oppositeTarget = (oppositeXWindow!=null)? oppositeXWindow.getTarget() : null;
 836                     Window oppositeWindow = null;
 837                     if (oppositeTarget instanceof Window) {
 838                         oppositeWindow = (Window) oppositeTarget;
 839                     }
 840                     // Check if opposite window is non-focusable. In that case we don't want to
 841                     // post any event.
 842                     if (oppositeXWindow != null && oppositeXWindow.isNativelyNonFocusableWindow()) {
 843                         return;
 844                     }
 845                     if (this == oppositeXWindow) {
 846                         oppositeWindow = null;
 847                     } else if (oppositeXWindow instanceof XDecoratedPeer) {
 848                         if (((XDecoratedPeer) oppositeXWindow).actualFocusedWindow != null) {
 849                             oppositeXWindow = ((XDecoratedPeer) oppositeXWindow).actualFocusedWindow;
 850                             oppositeTarget = oppositeXWindow.getTarget();
 851                             if (oppositeTarget instanceof Window
 852                                 && oppositeXWindow.isVisible()
 853                                 && oppositeXWindow.isNativelyNonFocusableWindow())
 854                             {
 855                                 oppositeWindow = ((Window) oppositeTarget);
 856                             }
 857                         }
 858                     }
 859                     handleWindowFocusOut(oppositeWindow, xfe.get_serial());
 860                 }
 861             }
 862         }
 863     }
 865     void setSaveUnder(boolean state) {}
 867     public void toFront() {
 868         if (isOverrideRedirect() && mustControlStackPosition) {
 869             mustControlStackPosition = false;
 870             removeRootPropertyEventDispatcher();
 871         }
 872         if (isVisible()) {
 873             super.toFront();
 874             if (isFocusableWindow() && isAutoRequestFocus() &&
 875                 !isModalBlocked() && !isWithdrawn())
 876             {
 877                 requestInitialFocus();
 878             }
 879         } else {
 880             setVisible(true);
 881         }
 882     }
 884     public void toBack() {
 885         XToolkit.awtLock();
 886         try {
 887             if(!isOverrideRedirect()) {
 888                 XlibWrapper.XLowerWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow());
 889             }else{
 890                 lowerOverrideRedirect();
 891             }
 892         }
 893         finally {
 894             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
 895         }
 896     }
 897     private void lowerOverrideRedirect() {
 898         //
 899         // make new hash of toplevels of all windows from 'windows' hash.
 900         // FIXME: do not call them "toplevel" as it is misleading.
 901         //
 902         HashSet toplevels = new HashSet();
 903         long topl = 0, mytopl = 0;
 905         for (XWindowPeer xp : windows) {
 906             topl = getToplevelWindow( xp.getWindow() );
 907             if( xp.equals( this ) ) {
 908                 mytopl = topl;
 909             }
 910             if( topl > 0 )
 911                 toplevels.add( Long.valueOf( topl ) );
 912         }
 914         //
 915         // find in the root's tree:
 916         // (1) my toplevel, (2) lowest java toplevel, (3) desktop
 917         // We must enforce (3), (1), (2) order, upward;
 918         // note that nautilus on the next restacking will do (1),(3),(2).
 919         //
 920         long laux,     wDesktop = -1, wBottom = -1;
 921         int  iMy = -1, iDesktop = -1, iBottom = -1;
 922         int i = 0;
 923         XQueryTree xqt = new XQueryTree(XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow());
 924         try {
 925             if( xqt.execute() > 0 ) {
 926                 int nchildren = xqt.get_nchildren();
 927                 long children = xqt.get_children();
 928                 for(i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) {
 929                     laux = Native.getWindow(children, i);
 930                     if( laux == mytopl ) {
 931                         iMy = i;
 932                     }else if( isDesktopWindow( laux ) ) {
 933                         // we need topmost desktop of them all.
 934                         iDesktop = i;
 935                         wDesktop = laux;
 936                     }else if(iBottom < 0 &&
 937                              toplevels.contains( Long.valueOf(laux) ) &&
 938                              laux != mytopl) {
 939                         iBottom = i;
 940                         wBottom = laux;
 941                     }
 942                 }
 943             }
 945             if( (iMy < iBottom || iBottom < 0 )&& iDesktop < iMy)
 946                 return; // no action necessary
 948             long to_restack = Native.allocateLongArray(2);
 949             Native.putLong(to_restack, 0, wBottom);
 950             Native.putLong(to_restack, 1,  mytopl);
 951             XlibWrapper.XRestackWindows(XToolkit.getDisplay(), to_restack, 2);
 952             XlibWrapper.unsafe.freeMemory(to_restack);
 955             if( !mustControlStackPosition ) {
 956                 mustControlStackPosition = true;
 957                 // add root window property listener:
 958                 // somebody (eg nautilus desktop) may obscure us
 959                 addRootPropertyEventDispatcher();
 960             }
 961         } finally {
 962             xqt.dispose();
 963         }
 964     }
 965     /**
 966         Get XID of closest to root window in a given window hierarchy.
 967         FIXME: do not call it "toplevel" as it is misleading.
 968         On error return 0.
 969     */
 970     private long getToplevelWindow( long w ) {
 971         long wi = w, ret, root;
 972         do {
 973             ret = wi;
 974             XQueryTree qt = new XQueryTree(wi);
 975             try {
 976                 if (qt.execute() == 0) {
 977                     return 0;
 978                 }
 979                 root = qt.get_root();
 980                 wi = qt.get_parent();
 981             } finally {
 982                 qt.dispose();
 983             }
 985         } while (wi != root);
 987         return ret;
 988     }
 990     private static boolean isDesktopWindow( long wi ) {
 991         return XWM.getWM().isDesktopWindow( wi );
 992     }
 994     private void updateAlwaysOnTop() {
 995         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
 996             log.fine("Promoting always-on-top state {0}", Boolean.valueOf(alwaysOnTop));
 997         }
 998         XWM.getWM().setLayer(this,
 999                              alwaysOnTop ?
1000                              XLayerProtocol.LAYER_ALWAYS_ON_TOP :
1001                              XLayerProtocol.LAYER_NORMAL);
1002     }
1004     public void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean alwaysOnTop) {
1005         this.alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop;
1006         updateAlwaysOnTop();
1007     }
1009     boolean isLocationByPlatform() {
1010         return locationByPlatform;
1011     }
1013     private void promoteDefaultPosition() {
1014         this.locationByPlatform = ((Window)target).isLocationByPlatform();
1015         if (locationByPlatform) {
1016             XToolkit.awtLock();
1017             try {
1018                 Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
1019                 XSizeHints hints = getHints();
1020                 setSizeHints(hints.get_flags() & ~(XUtilConstants.USPosition | XUtilConstants.PPosition),
1021                              bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
1022             } finally {
1023                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1024             }
1025         }
1026     }
1028     public void setVisible(boolean vis) {
1029         if (!isVisible() && vis) {
1030             isBeforeFirstMapNotify = true;
1031             winAttr.initialFocus = isAutoRequestFocus();
1032             if (!winAttr.initialFocus) {
1033                 /*
1034                  * It's easier and safer to temporary suppress WM_TAKE_FOCUS
1035                  * protocol itself than to ignore WM_TAKE_FOCUS client message.
1036                  * Because we will have to make the difference between
1037                  * the message come after showing and the message come after
1038                  * activation. Also, on Metacity, for some reason, we have _two_
1039                  * WM_TAKE_FOCUS client messages when showing a frame/dialog.
1040                  */
1041                 suppressWmTakeFocus(true);
1042             }
1043         }
1044         updateFocusability();
1045         promoteDefaultPosition();
1046         if (!vis && warningWindow != null) {
1047             warningWindow.setSecurityWarningVisible(false, false);
1048         }
1049         super.setVisible(vis);
1050         if (!vis && !isWithdrawn()) {
1051             // ICCCM, 4.1.4. Changing Window State:
1052             // "Iconic -> Withdrawn - The client should unmap the window and follow it
1053             // with a synthetic UnmapNotify event as described later in this section."
1054             // The same is true for Normal -> Withdrawn
1055             XToolkit.awtLock();
1056             try {
1057                 XUnmapEvent unmap = new XUnmapEvent();
1058                 unmap.set_window(window);
1059                 unmap.set_event(XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow());
1060                 unmap.set_type((int)XConstants.UnmapNotify);
1061                 unmap.set_from_configure(false);
1062                 XlibWrapper.XSendEvent(XToolkit.getDisplay(), XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow(),
1063                         false, XConstants.SubstructureNotifyMask | XConstants.SubstructureRedirectMask,
1064                         unmap.pData);
1065                 unmap.dispose();
1066             }
1067             finally {
1068                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1069             }
1070         }
1071         // method called somewhere in parent does not generate configure-notify
1072         // event for override-redirect.
1073         // Ergo, no reshape and bugs like 5085647 in case setBounds was
1074         // called before setVisible.
1075         if (isOverrideRedirect() && vis) {
1076             updateChildrenSizes();
1077         }
1078         repositionSecurityWarning();
1079     }
1081     protected void suppressWmTakeFocus(boolean doSuppress) {
1082     }
1084     final boolean isSimpleWindow() {
1085         return !(target instanceof Frame || target instanceof Dialog);
1086     }
1087     boolean hasWarningWindow() {
1088         return ((Window)target).getWarningString() != null;
1089     }
1091     // The height of menu bar window
1092     int getMenuBarHeight() {
1093         return 0;
1094     }
1096     // Called when shell changes its size and requires children windows
1097     // to update their sizes appropriately
1098     void updateChildrenSizes() {
1099     }
1101     public void repositionSecurityWarning() {
1102         // NOTE: On KWin if the window/border snapping option is enabled,
1103         // the Java window may be swinging while it's being moved.
1104         // This doesn't make the application unusable though looks quite ugly.
1105         // Probobly we need to find some hint to assign to our Security
1106         // Warning window in order to exclude it from the snapping option.
1107         // We are not currently aware of existance of such a property.
1108         if (warningWindow != null) {
1109             // We can't use the coordinates stored in the XBaseWindow since
1110             // they are zeros for decorated frames.
1111             AWTAccessor.ComponentAccessor compAccessor = AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor();
1112             int x = compAccessor.getX(target);
1113             int y = compAccessor.getY(target);
1114             int width = compAccessor.getWidth(target);
1115             int height = compAccessor.getHeight(target);
1116             warningWindow.reposition(x, y, width, height);
1117         }
1118     }
1120     @Override
1121     protected void setMouseAbove(boolean above) {
1122         super.setMouseAbove(above);
1123         updateSecurityWarningVisibility();
1124     }
1126     @Override
1127     public void setFullScreenExclusiveModeState(boolean state) {
1128         super.setFullScreenExclusiveModeState(state);
1129         updateSecurityWarningVisibility();
1130     }
1132     public void updateSecurityWarningVisibility() {
1133         if (warningWindow == null) {
1134             return;
1135         }
1137         if (!isVisible()) {
1138             return; // The warning window should already be hidden.
1139         }
1141         boolean show = false;
1143         if (!isFullScreenExclusiveMode()) {
1144             int state = getWMState();
1146             // getWMState() always returns 0 (Withdrawn) for simple windows. Hence
1147             // we ignore the state for such windows.
1148             if (isVisible() && (state == XUtilConstants.NormalState || isSimpleWindow())) {
1149                 if (XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().getCurrentFocusedWindow() ==
1150                         getTarget())
1151                 {
1152                     show = true;
1153                 }
1155                 if (isMouseAbove() || warningWindow.isMouseAbove())
1156                 {
1157                     show = true;
1158                 }
1159             }
1160         }
1162         warningWindow.setSecurityWarningVisible(show, true);
1163     }
1165     boolean isOverrideRedirect() {
1166         return XWM.getWMID() == XWM.OPENLOOK_WM ||
1167             Window.Type.POPUP.equals(getWindowType());
1168     }
1170     final boolean isOLWMDecorBug() {
1171         return XWM.getWMID() == XWM.OPENLOOK_WM &&
1172             winAttr.nativeDecor == false;
1173     }
1175     public void dispose() {
1176         if (isGrabbed()) {
1177             if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
1178                 grabLog.fine("Generating UngrabEvent on {0} because of the window disposal", this);
1179             }
1180             postEventToEventQueue(new sun.awt.UngrabEvent(getEventSource()));
1181         }
1183         SunToolkit.awtLock();
1185         try {
1186             windows.remove(this);
1187         } finally {
1188             SunToolkit.awtUnlock();
1189         }
1191         if (warningWindow != null) {
1192             warningWindow.destroy();
1193         }
1195         removeRootPropertyEventDispatcher();
1196         mustControlStackPosition = false;
1197         super.dispose();
1199         /*
1200          * Fix for 6457980.
1201          * When disposing an owned Window we should implicitly
1202          * return focus to its decorated owner because it won't
1203          * receive WM_TAKE_FOCUS.
1204          */
1205         if (isSimpleWindow()) {
1206             if (target == XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().getCurrentFocusedWindow()) {
1207                 Window owner = getDecoratedOwner((Window)target);
1208                 ((XWindowPeer)AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(owner)).requestWindowFocus();
1209             }
1210         }
1211     }
1213     boolean isResizable() {
1214         return winAttr.isResizable;
1215     }
1217     public void handleVisibilityEvent(XEvent xev) {
1218         super.handleVisibilityEvent(xev);
1219         XVisibilityEvent ve = xev.get_xvisibility();
1220         winAttr.visibilityState = ve.get_state();
1221 //         if (ve.get_state() == XlibWrapper.VisibilityUnobscured) {
1222 //             // raiseInputMethodWindow
1223 //         }
1224         repositionSecurityWarning();
1225     }
1227     void handleRootPropertyNotify(XEvent xev) {
1228         XPropertyEvent ev = xev.get_xproperty();
1229         if( mustControlStackPosition &&
1230             ev.get_atom() == XAtom.get("_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING").getAtom()){
1231             // Restore stack order unhadled/spoiled by WM or some app (nautilus).
1232             // As of now, don't use any generic machinery: just
1233             // do toBack() again.
1234             if(isOverrideRedirect()) {
1235                 toBack();
1236             }
1237         }
1238     }
1240     private void removeStartupNotification() {
1241         if (isStartupNotificationRemoved.getAndSet(true)) {
1242             return;
1243         }
1245         final String desktopStartupId = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<String>() {
1246             public String run() {
1247                 return XToolkit.getEnv("DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID");
1248             }
1249         });
1250         if (desktopStartupId == null) {
1251             return;
1252         }
1254         final StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder("remove: ID=");
1255         messageBuilder.append('"');
1256         for (int i = 0; i < desktopStartupId.length(); i++) {
1257             if (desktopStartupId.charAt(i) == '"' || desktopStartupId.charAt(i) == '\\') {
1258                 messageBuilder.append('\\');
1259             }
1260             messageBuilder.append(desktopStartupId.charAt(i));
1261         }
1262         messageBuilder.append('"');
1263         messageBuilder.append('\0');
1264         final byte[] message;
1265         try {
1266             message = messageBuilder.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
1267         } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException cannotHappen) {
1268             return;
1269         }
1271         XClientMessageEvent req = null;
1273         XToolkit.awtLock();
1274         try {
1275             final XAtom netStartupInfoBeginAtom = XAtom.get("_NET_STARTUP_INFO_BEGIN");
1276             final XAtom netStartupInfoAtom = XAtom.get("_NET_STARTUP_INFO");
1278             req = new XClientMessageEvent();
1279             req.set_type(XConstants.ClientMessage);
1280             req.set_window(getWindow());
1281             req.set_message_type(netStartupInfoBeginAtom.getAtom());
1282             req.set_format(8);
1284             for (int pos = 0; pos < message.length; pos += 20) {
1285                 final int msglen = Math.min(message.length - pos, 20);
1286                 int i = 0;
1287                 for (; i < msglen; i++) {
1288                     XlibWrapper.unsafe.putByte(req.get_data() + i, message[pos + i]);
1289                 }
1290                 for (; i < 20; i++) {
1291                     XlibWrapper.unsafe.putByte(req.get_data() + i, (byte)0);
1292                 }
1293                 XlibWrapper.XSendEvent(XToolkit.getDisplay(),
1294                     XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getScreenNumber()),
1295                     false,
1296                     XConstants.PropertyChangeMask,
1297                     req.pData);
1298                 req.set_message_type(netStartupInfoAtom.getAtom());
1299             }
1300         } finally {
1301             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1302             if (req != null) {
1303                 req.dispose();
1304             }
1305         }
1306     }
1308     public void handleMapNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) {
1309         removeStartupNotification();
1311         // See 6480534.
1312         isUnhiding |= isWMStateNetHidden();
1314         super.handleMapNotifyEvent(xev);
1315         if (!winAttr.initialFocus) {
1316             suppressWmTakeFocus(false); // restore the protocol.
1317             /*
1318              * For some reason, on Metacity, a frame/dialog being shown
1319              * without WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol doesn't get moved to the front.
1320              * So, we do it evidently.
1321              */
1322             XToolkit.awtLock();
1323             try {
1324                 XlibWrapper.XRaiseWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow());
1325             } finally {
1326                 XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1327             }
1328         }
1329         if (shouldFocusOnMapNotify()) {
1330             focusLog.fine("Automatically request focus on window");
1331             requestInitialFocus();
1332         }
1333         isUnhiding = false;
1334         isBeforeFirstMapNotify = false;
1335         updateAlwaysOnTop();
1337         synchronized (getStateLock()) {
1338             if (!isMapped) {
1339                 isMapped = true;
1340             }
1341         }
1342     }
1344     public void handleUnmapNotifyEvent(XEvent xev) {
1345         super.handleUnmapNotifyEvent(xev);
1347         // On Metacity UnmapNotify comes before PropertyNotify (for _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN).
1348         // So we also check for the property later in MapNotify. See 6480534.
1349         isUnhiding |= isWMStateNetHidden();
1351         synchronized (getStateLock()) {
1352             if (isMapped) {
1353                 isMapped = false;
1354             }
1355         }
1356     }
1358     private boolean shouldFocusOnMapNotify() {
1359         boolean res = false;
1361         if (isBeforeFirstMapNotify) {
1362             res = (winAttr.initialFocus ||          // Window.autoRequestFocus
1363                    isFocusedWindowModalBlocker());
1364         } else {
1365             res = isUnhiding;                       // Unhiding
1366         }
1367         res = res &&
1368             isFocusableWindow() &&                  // General focusability
1369             !isModalBlocked();                      // Modality
1371         return res;
1372     }
1374     protected boolean isWMStateNetHidden() {
1375         XNETProtocol protocol = XWM.getWM().getNETProtocol();
1376         return (protocol != null && protocol.isWMStateNetHidden(this));
1377     }
1379     protected void requestInitialFocus() {
1380         requestXFocus();
1381     }
1383     public void addToplevelStateListener(ToplevelStateListener l){
1384         toplevelStateListeners.add(l);
1385     }
1387     public void removeToplevelStateListener(ToplevelStateListener l){
1388         toplevelStateListeners.remove(l);
1389     }
1391     /**
1392      * Override this methods to get notifications when top-level window state changes. The state is
1393      * meant in terms of ICCCM: WithdrawnState, IconicState, NormalState
1394      */
1395     @Override
1396     protected void stateChanged(long time, int oldState, int newState) {
1397         // Fix for 6401700, 6412803
1398         // If this window is modal blocked, it is put into the transient_for
1399         // chain using prevTransientFor and nextTransientFor hints. However,
1400         // the real WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint shouldn't be set for windows in
1401         // different WM states (except for owner-window relationship), so
1402         // if the window changes its state, its real WM_TRANSIENT_FOR hint
1403         // should be updated accordingly.
1404         updateTransientFor();
1406         for (ToplevelStateListener topLevelListenerTmp : toplevelStateListeners) {
1407             topLevelListenerTmp.stateChangedICCCM(oldState, newState);
1408         }
1410         updateSecurityWarningVisibility();
1411     }
1413     boolean isWithdrawn() {
1414         return getWMState() == XUtilConstants.WithdrawnState;
1415     }
1417     boolean hasDecorations(int decor) {
1418         if (!winAttr.nativeDecor) {
1419             return false;
1420         }
1421         else {
1422             int myDecor = winAttr.decorations;
1423             boolean hasBits = ((myDecor & decor) == decor);
1424             if ((myDecor & XWindowAttributesData.AWT_DECOR_ALL) != 0)
1425                 return !hasBits;
1426             else
1427                 return hasBits;
1428         }
1429     }
1431     void setReparented(boolean newValue) {
1432         super.setReparented(newValue);
1433         XToolkit.awtLock();
1434         try {
1435             if (isReparented() && delayedModalBlocking) {
1436                 addToTransientFors((XDialogPeer) AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(modalBlocker));
1437                 delayedModalBlocking = false;
1438             }
1439         } finally {
1440             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1441         }
1442     }
1444     /*
1445      * Returns a Vector of all Java top-level windows,
1446      * sorted by their current Z-order
1447      */
1448     static Vector<XWindowPeer> collectJavaToplevels() {
1449         Vector<XWindowPeer> javaToplevels = new Vector<XWindowPeer>();
1450         Vector<Long> v = new Vector<Long>();
1451         X11GraphicsEnvironment ge =
1452             (X11GraphicsEnvironment)GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
1453         GraphicsDevice[] gds = ge.getScreenDevices();
1454         if (!ge.runningXinerama() && (gds.length > 1)) {
1455             for (GraphicsDevice gd : gds) {
1456                 int screen = ((X11GraphicsDevice)gd).getScreen();
1457                 long rootWindow = XlibWrapper.RootWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), screen);
1458                 v.add(rootWindow);
1459             }
1460         } else {
1461             v.add(XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow());
1462         }
1463         final int windowsCount = windows.size();
1464         while ((v.size() > 0) && (javaToplevels.size() < windowsCount)) {
1465             long win = v.remove(0);
1466             XQueryTree qt = new XQueryTree(win);
1467             try {
1468                 if (qt.execute() != 0) {
1469                     int nchildren = qt.get_nchildren();
1470                     long children = qt.get_children();
1471                     // XQueryTree returns window children ordered by z-order
1472                     for (int i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) {
1473                         long child = Native.getWindow(children, i);
1474                         XBaseWindow childWindow = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(child);
1475                         // filter out Java non-toplevels
1476                         if ((childWindow != null) && !(childWindow instanceof XWindowPeer)) {
1477                             continue;
1478                         } else {
1479                             v.add(child);
1480                         }
1481                         if (childWindow instanceof XWindowPeer) {
1482                             XWindowPeer np = (XWindowPeer)childWindow;
1483                             javaToplevels.add(np);
1484                             // XQueryTree returns windows sorted by their z-order. However,
1485                             // if WM has not handled transient for hint for a child window,
1486                             // it may appear in javaToplevels before its owner. Move such
1487                             // children after their owners.
1488                             int k = 0;
1489                             XWindowPeer toCheck = javaToplevels.get(k);
1490                             while (toCheck != np) {
1491                                 XWindowPeer toCheckOwnerPeer = toCheck.getOwnerPeer();
1492                                 if (toCheckOwnerPeer == np) {
1493                                     javaToplevels.remove(k);
1494                                     javaToplevels.add(toCheck);
1495                                 } else {
1496                                     k++;
1497                                 }
1498                                 toCheck = javaToplevels.get(k);
1499                             }
1500                         }
1501                     }
1502                 }
1503             } finally {
1504                 qt.dispose();
1505             }
1506         }
1507         return javaToplevels;
1508     }
1510     public void setModalBlocked(Dialog d, boolean blocked) {
1511         setModalBlocked(d, blocked, null);
1512     }
1513     public void setModalBlocked(Dialog d, boolean blocked,
1514                                 Vector<XWindowPeer> javaToplevels)
1515     {
1516         XToolkit.awtLock();
1517         try {
1518             // State lock should always be after awtLock
1519             synchronized(getStateLock()) {
1520                 XDialogPeer blockerPeer = (XDialogPeer) AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(d);
1521                 if (blocked) {
1522                     if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
1523                         log.fine("{0} is blocked by {1}", this, blockerPeer);
1524                     }
1525                     modalBlocker = d;
1527                     if (isReparented() || XWM.isNonReparentingWM()) {
1528                         addToTransientFors(blockerPeer, javaToplevels);
1529                     } else {
1530                         delayedModalBlocking = true;
1531                     }
1532                 } else {
1533                     if (d != modalBlocker) {
1534                         throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to unblock window blocked by another dialog");
1535                     }
1536                     modalBlocker = null;
1538                     if (isReparented() || XWM.isNonReparentingWM()) {
1539                         removeFromTransientFors();
1540                     } else {
1541                         delayedModalBlocking = false;
1542                     }
1543                 }
1545                 updateTransientFor();
1546             }
1547         } finally {
1548             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1549         }
1550     }
1552     /*
1553      * Sets the TRANSIENT_FOR hint to the given top-level window. This
1554      *  method is used when a window is modal blocked/unblocked or
1555      *  changed its state from/to NormalState to/from other states.
1556      * If window or transientForWindow are embedded frames, the containing
1557      *  top-level windows are used.
1558      *
1559      * @param window specifies the top-level window that the hint
1560      *  is to be set to
1561      * @param transientForWindow the top-level window
1562      * @param updateChain specifies if next/prevTransientFor fields are
1563      *  to be updated
1564      * @param allStates if set to <code>true</code> then TRANSIENT_FOR hint
1565      *  is set regardless of the state of window and transientForWindow,
1566      *  otherwise it is set only if both are in the same state
1567      */
1568     static void setToplevelTransientFor(XWindowPeer window, XWindowPeer transientForWindow,
1569                                                 boolean updateChain, boolean allStates)
1570     {
1571         if ((window == null) || (transientForWindow == null)) {
1572             return;
1573         }
1574         if (updateChain) {
1575             window.prevTransientFor = transientForWindow;
1576             transientForWindow.nextTransientFor = window;
1577         }
1578         if (window.curRealTransientFor == transientForWindow) {
1579             return;
1580         }
1581         if (!allStates && (window.getWMState() != transientForWindow.getWMState())) {
1582             return;
1583         }
1584         if (window.getScreenNumber() != transientForWindow.getScreenNumber()) {
1585             return;
1586         }
1587         long bpw = window.getWindow();
1588         while (!XlibUtil.isToplevelWindow(bpw) && !XlibUtil.isXAWTToplevelWindow(bpw)) {
1589             bpw = XlibUtil.getParentWindow(bpw);
1590         }
1591         long tpw = transientForWindow.getWindow();
1592         while (!XlibUtil.isToplevelWindow(tpw) && !XlibUtil.isXAWTToplevelWindow(tpw)) {
1593             tpw = XlibUtil.getParentWindow(tpw);
1594         }
1595         XlibWrapper.XSetTransientFor(XToolkit.getDisplay(), bpw, tpw);
1596         window.curRealTransientFor = transientForWindow;
1597     }
1599     /*
1600      * This method does nothing if this window is not blocked by any modal dialog.
1601      * For modal blocked windows this method looks up for the nearest
1602      *  prevTransiendFor window that is in the same state (Normal/Iconified/Withdrawn)
1603      *  as this one and makes this window transient for it. The same operation is
1604      *  performed for nextTransientFor window.
1605      * Values of prevTransientFor and nextTransientFor fields are not changed.
1606      */
1607     void updateTransientFor() {
1608         int state = getWMState();
1609         XWindowPeer p = prevTransientFor;
1610         while ((p != null) && ((p.getWMState() != state) || (p.getScreenNumber() != getScreenNumber()))) {
1611             p = p.prevTransientFor;
1612         }
1613         if (p != null) {
1614             setToplevelTransientFor(this, p, false, false);
1615         } else {
1616             restoreTransientFor(this);
1617         }
1618         XWindowPeer n = nextTransientFor;
1619         while ((n != null) && ((n.getWMState() != state) || (n.getScreenNumber() != getScreenNumber()))) {
1620             n = n.nextTransientFor;
1621         }
1622         if (n != null) {
1623             setToplevelTransientFor(n, this, false, false);
1624         }
1625     }
1627     /*
1628      * Removes the TRANSIENT_FOR hint from the given top-level window.
1629      * If window or transientForWindow are embedded frames, the containing
1630      *  top-level windows are used.
1631      *
1632      * @param window specifies the top-level window that the hint
1633      *  is to be removed from
1634      */
1635     private static void removeTransientForHint(XWindowPeer window) {
1636         XAtom XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR = XAtom.get(XAtom.XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR);
1637         long bpw = window.getWindow();
1638         while (!XlibUtil.isToplevelWindow(bpw) && !XlibUtil.isXAWTToplevelWindow(bpw)) {
1639             bpw = XlibUtil.getParentWindow(bpw);
1640         }
1641         XlibWrapper.XDeleteProperty(XToolkit.getDisplay(), bpw, XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR.getAtom());
1642         window.curRealTransientFor = null;
1643     }
1645     /*
1646      * When a modal dialog is shown, all its blocked windows are lined up into
1647      *  a chain in such a way that each window is a transient_for window for
1648      *  the next one. That allows us to keep the modal dialog above all its
1649      *  blocked windows (even if there are some another modal dialogs between
1650      *  them).
1651      * This method adds this top-level window to the chain of the given modal
1652      *  dialog. To keep the current relative z-order, we should use the
1653      *  XQueryTree to find the place to insert this window to. As each window
1654      *  can be blocked by only one modal dialog (such checks are performed in
1655      *  shared code), both this and blockerPeer are on the top of their chains
1656      *  (chains may be empty).
1657      * If this window is a modal dialog and has its own chain, these chains are
1658      *  merged according to the current z-order (XQueryTree is used again).
1659      *  Below are some simple examples (z-order is from left to right, -- is
1660      *  modal blocking).
1661      *
1662      * Example 0:
1663      *     T (current chain of this, no windows are blocked by this)
1664      *  W1---B (current chain of blockerPeer, W2 is blocked by blockerPeer)
1665      *  Result is:
1666      *  W1-T-B (merged chain, all the windows are blocked by blockerPeer)
1667      *
1668      * Example 1:
1669      *  W1-T (current chain of this, W1 is blocked by this)
1670      *       W2-B (current chain of blockerPeer, W2 is blocked by blockerPeer)
1671      *  Result is:
1672      *  W1-T-W2-B (merged chain, all the windows are blocked by blockerPeer)
1673      *
1674      * Example 2:
1675      *  W1----T (current chain of this, W1 is blocked by this)
1676      *     W2---B (current chain of blockerPeer, W2 is blocked by blockerPeer)
1677      *  Result is:
1678      *  W1-W2-T-B (merged chain, all the windows are blocked by blockerPeer)
1679      *
1680      * This method should be called under the AWT lock.
1681      *
1682      * @see #removeFromTransientFors
1683      * @see #setModalBlocked
1684      */
1685     private void addToTransientFors(XDialogPeer blockerPeer) {
1686         addToTransientFors(blockerPeer, null);
1687     }
1689     private void addToTransientFors(XDialogPeer blockerPeer, Vector<XWindowPeer> javaToplevels)
1690     {
1691         // blockerPeer chain iterator
1692         XWindowPeer blockerChain = blockerPeer;
1693         while (blockerChain.prevTransientFor != null) {
1694             blockerChain = blockerChain.prevTransientFor;
1695         }
1696         // this window chain iterator
1697         // each window can be blocked no more than once, so this window
1698         //   is on top of its chain
1699         XWindowPeer thisChain = this;
1700         while (thisChain.prevTransientFor != null) {
1701             thisChain = thisChain.prevTransientFor;
1702         }
1703         // if there are no windows blocked by modalBlocker, simply add this window
1704         //  and its chain to blocker's chain
1705         if (blockerChain == blockerPeer) {
1706             setToplevelTransientFor(blockerPeer, this, true, false);
1707         } else {
1708             // Collect all the Java top-levels, if required
1709             if (javaToplevels == null) {
1710                 javaToplevels = collectJavaToplevels();
1711             }
1712             // merged chain tail
1713             XWindowPeer mergedChain = null;
1714             for (XWindowPeer w : javaToplevels) {
1715                 XWindowPeer prevMergedChain = mergedChain;
1716                 if (w == thisChain) {
1717                     if (thisChain == this) {
1718                         if (prevMergedChain != null) {
1719                             setToplevelTransientFor(this, prevMergedChain, true, false);
1720                         }
1721                         setToplevelTransientFor(blockerChain, this, true, false);
1722                         break;
1723                     } else {
1724                         mergedChain = thisChain;
1725                         thisChain = thisChain.nextTransientFor;
1726                     }
1727                 } else if (w == blockerChain) {
1728                     mergedChain = blockerChain;
1729                     blockerChain = blockerChain.nextTransientFor;
1730                 } else {
1731                     continue;
1732                 }
1733                 if (prevMergedChain == null) {
1734                     mergedChain.prevTransientFor = null;
1735                 } else {
1736                     setToplevelTransientFor(mergedChain, prevMergedChain, true, false);
1737                     mergedChain.updateTransientFor();
1738                 }
1739                 if (blockerChain == blockerPeer) {
1740                     setToplevelTransientFor(thisChain, mergedChain, true, false);
1741                     setToplevelTransientFor(blockerChain, this, true, false);
1742                     break;
1743                 }
1744             }
1745         }
1747         XToolkit.XSync();
1748     }
1750     static void restoreTransientFor(XWindowPeer window) {
1751         XWindowPeer ownerPeer = window.getOwnerPeer();
1752         if (ownerPeer != null) {
1753             setToplevelTransientFor(window, ownerPeer, false, true);
1754         } else {
1755             removeTransientForHint(window);
1756         }
1757     }
1759     /*
1760      * When a window is modally unblocked, it should be removed from its blocker
1761      *  chain, see {@link #addToTransientFor addToTransientFors} method for the
1762      *  chain definition.
1763      * The problem is that we cannot simply restore window's original
1764      *  TRANSIENT_FOR hint (if any) and link prevTransientFor and
1765      *  nextTransientFor together as the whole chain could be created as a merge
1766      *  of two other chains in addToTransientFors. In that case, if this window is
1767      *  a modal dialog, it would lost all its own chain, if we simply exclude it
1768      *  from the chain.
1769      * The correct behaviour of this method should be to split the chain, this
1770      *  window is currently in, into two chains. First chain is this window own
1771      *  chain (i. e. all the windows blocked by this one, directly or indirectly),
1772      *  if any, and the rest windows from the current chain.
1773      *
1774      * Example:
1775      *  Original state:
1776      *   W1-B1 (window W1 is blocked by B1)
1777      *   W2-B2 (window W2 is blocked by B2)
1778      *  B3 is shown and blocks B1 and B2:
1779      *   W1-W2-B1-B2-B3 (a single chain after B1.addToTransientFors() and B2.addToTransientFors())
1780      *  If we then unblock B1, the state should be:
1781      *   W1-B1 (window W1 is blocked by B1)
1782      *   W2-B2-B3 (window W2 is blocked by B2 and B2 is blocked by B3)
1783      *
1784      * This method should be called under the AWT lock.
1785      *
1786      * @see #addToTransientFors
1787      * @see #setModalBlocked
1788      */
1789     private void removeFromTransientFors() {
1790         // the head of the chain of this window
1791         XWindowPeer thisChain = this;
1792         // the head of the current chain
1793         // nextTransientFor is always not null as this window is in the chain
1794         XWindowPeer otherChain = nextTransientFor;
1795         // the set of blockers in this chain: if this dialog blocks some other
1796         // modal dialogs, their blocked windows should stay in this dialog's chain
1797         Set<XWindowPeer> thisChainBlockers = new HashSet<XWindowPeer>();
1798         thisChainBlockers.add(this);
1799         // current chain iterator in the order from next to prev
1800         XWindowPeer chainToSplit = prevTransientFor;
1801         while (chainToSplit != null) {
1802             XWindowPeer blocker = (XWindowPeer) AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(chainToSplit.modalBlocker);
1803             if (thisChainBlockers.contains(blocker)) {
1804                 // add to this dialog's chain
1805                 setToplevelTransientFor(thisChain, chainToSplit, true, false);
1806                 thisChain = chainToSplit;
1807                 thisChainBlockers.add(chainToSplit);
1808             } else {
1809                 // leave in the current chain
1810                 setToplevelTransientFor(otherChain, chainToSplit, true, false);
1811                 otherChain = chainToSplit;
1812             }
1813             chainToSplit = chainToSplit.prevTransientFor;
1814         }
1815         restoreTransientFor(thisChain);
1816         thisChain.prevTransientFor = null;
1817         restoreTransientFor(otherChain);
1818         otherChain.prevTransientFor = null;
1819         nextTransientFor = null;
1821         XToolkit.XSync();
1822     }
1824     boolean isModalBlocked() {
1825         return modalBlocker != null;
1826     }
1828     static Window getDecoratedOwner(Window window) {
1829         while ((null != window) && !(window instanceof Frame || window instanceof Dialog)) {
1830             window = (Window) AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getParent(window);
1831         }
1832         return window;
1833     }
1835     public boolean requestWindowFocus(XWindowPeer actualFocusedWindow) {
1836         setActualFocusedWindow(actualFocusedWindow);
1837         return requestWindowFocus();
1838     }
1840     public boolean requestWindowFocus() {
1841         return requestWindowFocus(0, false);
1842     }
1844     public boolean requestWindowFocus(long time, boolean timeProvided) {
1845         focusLog.fine("Request for window focus");
1846         // If this is Frame or Dialog we can't assure focus request success - but we still can try
1847         // If this is Window and its owner Frame is active we can be sure request succedded.
1848         Window ownerWindow  = XWindowPeer.getDecoratedOwner((Window)target);
1849         Window focusedWindow = XKeyboardFocusManagerPeer.getInstance().getCurrentFocusedWindow();
1850         Window activeWindow = XWindowPeer.getDecoratedOwner(focusedWindow);
1852         if (isWMStateNetHidden()) {
1853             focusLog.fine("The window is unmapped, so rejecting the request");
1854             return false;
1855         }
1856         if (activeWindow == ownerWindow) {
1857             focusLog.fine("Parent window is active - generating focus for this window");
1858             handleWindowFocusInSync(-1);
1859             return true;
1860         }
1861         focusLog.fine("Parent window is not active");
1863         XDecoratedPeer wpeer = (XDecoratedPeer)AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(ownerWindow);
1864         if (wpeer != null && wpeer.requestWindowFocus(this, time, timeProvided)) {
1865             focusLog.fine("Parent window accepted focus request - generating focus for this window");
1866             return true;
1867         }
1868         focusLog.fine("Denied - parent window is not active and didn't accept focus request");
1869         return false;
1870     }
1872     // This method is to be overriden in XDecoratedPeer.
1873     void setActualFocusedWindow(XWindowPeer actualFocusedWindow) {
1874     }
1876     /**
1877      * Applies the current window type.
1878      */
1879     private void applyWindowType() {
1880         XNETProtocol protocol = XWM.getWM().getNETProtocol();
1881         if (protocol == null) {
1882             return;
1883         }
1885         XAtom typeAtom = null;
1887         switch (getWindowType())
1888         {
1889             case NORMAL:
1890                 typeAtom = protocol.XA_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL;
1891                 break;
1892             case UTILITY:
1893                 typeAtom = protocol.XA_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY;
1894                 break;
1895             case POPUP:
1896                 typeAtom = protocol.XA_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU;
1897                 break;
1898         }
1900         if (typeAtom != null) {
1901             XAtomList wtype = new XAtomList();
1902             wtype.add(typeAtom);
1903             protocol.XA_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE.
1904                 setAtomListProperty(getWindow(), wtype);
1905         } else {
1906             protocol.XA_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE.
1907                 DeleteProperty(getWindow());
1908         }
1909     }
1911     @Override
1912     public void xSetVisible(boolean visible) {
1913         if (log.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
1914             log.fine("Setting visible on " + this + " to " + visible);
1915         }
1916         XToolkit.awtLock();
1917         try {
1918             this.visible = visible;
1919             if (visible) {
1920                 applyWindowType();
1921                 XlibWrapper.XMapRaised(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow());
1922             } else {
1923                 XlibWrapper.XUnmapWindow(XToolkit.getDisplay(), getWindow());
1924             }
1925             XlibWrapper.XFlush(XToolkit.getDisplay());
1926         }
1927         finally {
1928             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1929         }
1930     }
1932     // should be synchronized on awtLock
1933     private int dropTargetCount = 0;
1935     public void addDropTarget() {
1936         XToolkit.awtLock();
1937         try {
1938             if (dropTargetCount == 0) {
1939                 long window = getWindow();
1940                 if (window != 0) {
1941                     XDropTargetRegistry.getRegistry().registerDropSite(window);
1942                 }
1943             }
1944             dropTargetCount++;
1945         } finally {
1946             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1947         }
1948     }
1950     public void removeDropTarget() {
1951         XToolkit.awtLock();
1952         try {
1953             dropTargetCount--;
1954             if (dropTargetCount == 0) {
1955                 long window = getWindow();
1956                 if (window != 0) {
1957                     XDropTargetRegistry.getRegistry().unregisterDropSite(window);
1958                 }
1959             }
1960         } finally {
1961             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
1962         }
1963     }
1964     void addRootPropertyEventDispatcher() {
1965         if( rootPropertyEventDispatcher == null ) {
1966             rootPropertyEventDispatcher = new XEventDispatcher() {
1967                 public void dispatchEvent(XEvent ev) {
1968                     if( ev.get_type() == XConstants.PropertyNotify ) {
1969                         handleRootPropertyNotify( ev );
1970                     }
1971                 }
1972             };
1973             XlibWrapper.XSelectInput( XToolkit.getDisplay(),
1974                                       XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow(),
1975                                       XConstants.PropertyChangeMask);
1976             XToolkit.addEventDispatcher(XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow(),
1977                                                 rootPropertyEventDispatcher);
1978         }
1979     }
1980     void removeRootPropertyEventDispatcher() {
1981         if( rootPropertyEventDispatcher != null ) {
1982             XToolkit.removeEventDispatcher(XToolkit.getDefaultRootWindow(),
1983                                                 rootPropertyEventDispatcher);
1984             rootPropertyEventDispatcher = null;
1985         }
1986     }
1987     public void updateFocusableWindowState() {
1988         cachedFocusableWindow = isFocusableWindow();
1989     }
1991     XAtom XA_NET_WM_STATE;
1992     XAtomList net_wm_state;
1993     public XAtomList getNETWMState() {
1994         if (net_wm_state == null) {
1995             net_wm_state = XA_NET_WM_STATE.getAtomListPropertyList(this);
1996         }
1997         return net_wm_state;
1998     }
2000     public void setNETWMState(XAtomList state) {
2001         net_wm_state = state;
2002         if (state != null) {
2003             XA_NET_WM_STATE.setAtomListProperty(this, state);
2004         }
2005     }
2007     public PropMwmHints getMWMHints() {
2008         if (mwm_hints == null) {
2009             mwm_hints = new PropMwmHints();
2010             if (!XWM.XA_MWM_HINTS.getAtomData(getWindow(), mwm_hints.pData, MWMConstants.PROP_MWM_HINTS_ELEMENTS)) {
2011                 mwm_hints.zero();
2012             }
2013         }
2014         return mwm_hints;
2015     }
2017     public void setMWMHints(PropMwmHints hints) {
2018         mwm_hints = hints;
2019         if (hints != null) {
2020             XWM.XA_MWM_HINTS.setAtomData(getWindow(), mwm_hints.pData, MWMConstants.PROP_MWM_HINTS_ELEMENTS);
2021         }
2022     }
2024     protected void updateDropTarget() {
2025         XToolkit.awtLock();
2026         try {
2027             if (dropTargetCount > 0) {
2028                 long window = getWindow();
2029                 if (window != 0) {
2030                     XDropTargetRegistry.getRegistry().unregisterDropSite(window);
2031                     XDropTargetRegistry.getRegistry().registerDropSite(window);
2032                 }
2033             }
2034         } finally {
2035             XToolkit.awtUnlock();
2036         }
2037     }
2039     public void setGrab(boolean grab) {
2040         this.grab = grab;
2041         if (grab) {
2042             pressTarget = this;
2043             grabInput();
2044         } else {
2045             ungrabInput();
2046         }
2047     }
2049     public boolean isGrabbed() {
2050         return grab && XAwtState.getGrabWindow() == this;
2051     }
2053     public void handleXCrossingEvent(XEvent xev) {
2054         XCrossingEvent xce = xev.get_xcrossing();
2055         if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
2056             grabLog.fine("{0}, when grabbed {1}, contains {2}",
2057                          xce, isGrabbed(), containsGlobal(xce.get_x_root(), xce.get_y_root()));
2058         }
2059         if (isGrabbed()) {
2060             // When window is grabbed, all events are dispatched to
2061             // it.  Retarget them to the corresponding windows (notice
2062             // that XBaseWindow.dispatchEvent does the opposite
2063             // translation)
2064             // Note that we need to retarget XCrossingEvents to content window
2065             // since it generates MOUSE_ENTERED/MOUSE_EXITED for frame and dialog.
2066             // (fix for 6390326)
2067             XBaseWindow target = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(xce.get_window());
2068             if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
2069                 grabLog.finer("  -  Grab event target {0}", target);
2070             }
2071             if (target != null && target != this) {
2072                 target.dispatchEvent(xev);
2073                 return;
2074             }
2075         }
2076         super.handleXCrossingEvent(xev);
2077     }
2079     public void handleMotionNotify(XEvent xev) {
2080         XMotionEvent xme = xev.get_xmotion();
2081         if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
2082             grabLog.finer("{0}, when grabbed {1}, contains {2}",
2083                           xme, isGrabbed(), containsGlobal(xme.get_x_root(), xme.get_y_root()));
2084         }
2085         if (isGrabbed()) {
2086             boolean dragging = false;
2087             final int buttonsNumber = XToolkit.getNumberOfButtonsForMask();
2089             for (int i = 0; i < buttonsNumber; i++){
2090                 // here is the bug in WM: extra buttons doesn't have state!=0 as they should.
2091                 if ((i != 4) && (i != 5)){
2092                     dragging = dragging || ((xme.get_state() & XlibUtil.getButtonMask(i + 1)) != 0);
2093                 }
2094             }
2095             // When window is grabbed, all events are dispatched to
2096             // it.  Retarget them to the corresponding windows (notice
2097             // that XBaseWindow.dispatchEvent does the opposite
2098             // translation)
2099             XBaseWindow target = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(xme.get_window());
2100             if (dragging && pressTarget != target) {
2101                 // for some reasons if we grab input MotionNotify for drag is reported with target
2102                 // to underlying window, not to window on which we have initiated drag
2103                 // so we need to retarget them.  Here I use simplified logic which retarget all
2104                 // such events to source of mouse press (or the grabber).  It helps with fix for 6390326.
2105                 // So, I do not want to implement complicated logic for better retargeting.
2106                 target = pressTarget.isVisible() ? pressTarget : this;
2107                 xme.set_window(target.getWindow());
2108                 Point localCoord = target.toLocal(xme.get_x_root(), xme.get_y_root());
2109                 xme.set_x(localCoord.x);
2110                 xme.set_y(localCoord.y);
2111             }
2112             if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
2113                 grabLog.finer("  -  Grab event target {0}", target);
2114             }
2115             if (target != null) {
2116                 if (target != getContentXWindow() && target != this) {
2117                     target.dispatchEvent(xev);
2118                     return;
2119                 }
2120             }
2122             // note that we need to pass dragging events to the grabber (6390326)
2123             // see comment above for more inforamtion.
2124             if (!containsGlobal(xme.get_x_root(), xme.get_y_root()) && !dragging) {
2125                 // Outside of Java
2126                 return;
2127             }
2128         }
2129         super.handleMotionNotify(xev);
2130     }
2132     // we use it to retarget mouse drag and mouse release during grab.
2133     private XBaseWindow pressTarget = this;
2135     public void handleButtonPressRelease(XEvent xev) {
2136         XButtonEvent xbe = xev.get_xbutton();
2138         /*
2139          * Ignore the buttons above 20 due to the bit limit for
2140          * InputEvent.BUTTON_DOWN_MASK.
2141          * One more bit is reserved for FIRST_HIGH_BIT.
2142          */
2143         if (xbe.get_button() > SunToolkit.MAX_BUTTONS_SUPPORTED) {
2144             return;
2145         }
2146         if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
2147             grabLog.fine("{0}, when grabbed {1}, contains {2} ({3}, {4}, {5}x{6})",
2148                          xbe, isGrabbed(), containsGlobal(xbe.get_x_root(), xbe.get_y_root()), getAbsoluteX(), getAbsoluteY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
2149         }
2150         if (isGrabbed()) {
2151             // When window is grabbed, all events are dispatched to
2152             // it.  Retarget them to the corresponding windows (notice
2153             // that XBaseWindow.dispatchEvent does the opposite
2154             // translation)
2155             XBaseWindow target = XToolkit.windowToXWindow(xbe.get_window());
2156             try {
2157                 if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINER)) {
2158                     grabLog.finer("  -  Grab event target {0} (press target {1})", target, pressTarget);
2159                 }
2160                 if (xbe.get_type() == XConstants.ButtonPress
2161                     && xbe.get_button() == XConstants.buttons[0])
2162                 {
2163                     // need to keep it to retarget mouse release
2164                     pressTarget = target;
2165                 } else if (xbe.get_type() == XConstants.ButtonRelease
2166                            && xbe.get_button() == XConstants.buttons[0]
2167                            && pressTarget != target)
2168                 {
2169                     // during grab we do receive mouse release on different component (not on the source
2170                     // of mouse press).  So we need to retarget it.
2171                     // see 6390326 for more information.
2172                     target = pressTarget.isVisible() ? pressTarget : this;
2173                     xbe.set_window(target.getWindow());
2174                     Point localCoord = target.toLocal(xbe.get_x_root(), xbe.get_y_root());
2175                     xbe.set_x(localCoord.x);
2176                     xbe.set_y(localCoord.y);
2177                     pressTarget = this;
2178                 }
2179                 if (target != null && target != getContentXWindow() && target != this) {
2180                     target.dispatchEvent(xev);
2181                     return;
2182                 }
2183             } finally {
2184                 if (target != null) {
2185                     // Target is either us or our content window -
2186                     // check that event is inside.  'Us' in case of
2187                     // shell will mean that this will also filter out press on title
2188                     if ((target == this || target == getContentXWindow()) && !containsGlobal(xbe.get_x_root(), xbe.get_y_root())) {
2189                         // Outside this toplevel hierarchy
2190                         // According to the specification of UngrabEvent, post it
2191                         // when press occurs outside of the window and not on its owned windows
2192                         if (xbe.get_type() == XConstants.ButtonPress) {
2193                             if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
2194                                 grabLog.fine("Generating UngrabEvent on {0} because not inside of shell", this);
2195                             }
2196                             postEventToEventQueue(new sun.awt.UngrabEvent(getEventSource()));
2197                             return;
2198                         }
2199                     }
2200                     // First, get the toplevel
2201                     XWindowPeer toplevel = target.getToplevelXWindow();
2202                     if (toplevel != null) {
2203                         Window w = (Window)toplevel.target;
2204                         while (w != null && toplevel != this && !(toplevel instanceof XDialogPeer)) {
2205                             w = (Window) AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getParent(w);
2206                             if (w != null) {
2207                                 toplevel = (XWindowPeer) AWTAccessor.getComponentAccessor().getPeer(w);
2208                             }
2209                         }
2210                         if (w == null || (w != this.target && w instanceof Dialog)) {
2211                             // toplevel == null - outside of
2212                             // hierarchy, toplevel is Dialog - should
2213                             // send ungrab (but shouldn't for Window)
2214                             if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
2215                                 grabLog.fine("Generating UngrabEvent on {0} because hierarchy ended", this);
2216                             }
2217                             postEventToEventQueue(new sun.awt.UngrabEvent(getEventSource()));
2218                         }
2219                     } else {
2220                         // toplevel is null - outside of hierarchy
2221                         if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
2222                             grabLog.fine("Generating UngrabEvent on {0} because toplevel is null", this);
2223                         }
2224                         postEventToEventQueue(new sun.awt.UngrabEvent(getEventSource()));
2225                         return;
2226                     }
2227                 } else {
2228                     // target doesn't map to XAWT window - outside of hierarchy
2229                     if (grabLog.isLoggable(PlatformLogger.FINE)) {
2230                         grabLog.fine("Generating UngrabEvent on because target is null {0}", this);
2231                     }
2232                     postEventToEventQueue(new sun.awt.UngrabEvent(getEventSource()));
2233                     return;
2234                 }
2235             }
2236         }
2237         super.handleButtonPressRelease(xev);
2238     }
2240     public void print(Graphics g) {
2241         // We assume we print the whole frame,
2242         // so we expect no clip was set previously
2243         Shape shape = AWTAccessor.getWindowAccessor().getShape((Window)target);
2244         if (shape != null) {
2245             g.setClip(shape);
2246         }
2247         super.print(g);
2248     }
2250     @Override
2251     public void setOpacity(float opacity) {
2252         final long maxOpacity = 0xffffffffl;
2253         long iOpacity = (long)(opacity * maxOpacity);
2254         if (iOpacity < 0) {
2255             iOpacity = 0;
2256         }
2257         if (iOpacity > maxOpacity) {
2258             iOpacity = maxOpacity;
2259         }
2261         XAtom netWmWindowOpacityAtom = XAtom.get("_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY");
2263         if (iOpacity == maxOpacity) {
2264             netWmWindowOpacityAtom.DeleteProperty(getWindow());
2265         } else {
2266             netWmWindowOpacityAtom.setCard32Property(getWindow(), iOpacity);
2267         }
2268     }
2270     @Override
2271     public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) {
2272         // no-op
2273     }
2275     @Override
2276     public void updateWindow() {
2277         // no-op
2278     }
2279 }